Grow your social media presence with NOVA Entertainment’s new podcast Build Your Brand

NOVA Entertainment’s latest original podcast Build Your Brand will provide small business owners, solopreneurs or budding influencers with social media tips and insights for anyone who wants to grow their on-line presence.

Hosted by Alisha Marfatia, a social media expert and business mentor, Build Your Brand launches on Thursday September 2 and takes the challenge out of mastering social media.

In times of economic uncertainty, harnessing the power of social media can be one of the most influential and cost-effective ways to increase brand awareness and acquire new customers or followers. So not sure what should you post, if hashtags are still a thing or how to navigate those annoying algorithm changes, then Build Your Brand is the podcast for you.

Rachel Corbett, NOVA Entertainment’s Head of Podcasting and Digital Content said, “Building a powerful online presence is essential for small business owners and solopreneurs but it can be hard to know what to do or what to prioritise when you've got so much other stuff on your plate. Build Your Brand is aimed at people who want short, actionable tips they can put things into practice straight away so they can get on with all the other things they need to do to run their business.”

Offering actionable tips and updates on how to maximise results across platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok and delivering the latest trends and updates, each episode is short and sharp to give you more time to invest into your growing business or brand.

It’s time to step out from behind your brand, to show your followers the real expert behind your business, YOU.

Alisha Marfatia gave up a ‘stable’ job in TV sports graphics, to purse her creative side and discovered a passion for social media. Just as her social media management business was taking off, the pandemic hit and she was forced to further hone her skills and shift to the online space to make more of an impact.

Alisha is the founder and director of The Social Impact, a program focused on mentoring female entrepreneurs, offering support to show up confidently online and scale their business using social media.

Alisha said, “Being involved with Build Your Brand is an exciting opportunity to create more impact. I have seen the possibilities building my own brand. Utilising the online space and implementing new concepts and ways of doing things has brought in more success than I ever thought was possible. The time is now, and it’s all available within the Build Your Brand podcast.”

Whether you want to be the next Kylie Jenner, or you’re just hoping to get more eyes on your business, let's build your brand together!

‘Build Your Brand’ is an original Nova Podcast launching every Thursday from 2 September and is available here, via the NOVA Podcasts Player or wherever you access your podcasts.


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