our commitment to governance
NOVA Entertainment’s board of directors and management teams are committed to corporate governance, rigorous compliance practices, and high standards of ethical behaviour.
The commitment to operate with the utmost integrity is required at every level of our organisation, and by each director, officer and employee.
Modern Slavery
As part of our commitment to robust corporate governance and ethical behaviour, we unreservedly support and embrace the opportunity to protect the freedoms of all people involved in our operations and supply chains. Here is our Modern Slavery Statement.
In doing business with us, we expect our suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Whistleblower Policy
We are committed to conducting our business in a professional and ethical manner, and to the highest possible standard. We do not tolerate corrupt, illegal, or other undesirable conduct and wrongdoing, nor do we condone detrimental acts against any individual reporting such conduct.
We encourage everyone to report instances of suspected wrongdoing and misconduct involving NOVA Entertainment and its personnel in accordance with our Whistleblower Policy.
Credit Reporting Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters
We are committed to protecting your privacy.
We will only collect, use and disclose your credit information or credit eligibility information in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by our Credit Reporting Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters, and as permitted by the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (as updated from time to time).
Our Credit Reporting Policy and Statement of Notifiable Matters should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.